Customer Requirements Application Form

General informations

1 - Applications

2 - Measurement output of particular interest

    Real-time displays and functions

    • Blade TipClearance:

    • BladeTip-Timing (blade vibration):

    • Shaft orbiting at measurement plane:

    Post-analysis functions

(Section 3 to 6 to be filled in for each measurement planes)

3 - Sensors

    Number of sensors:

    Clearance range:

    Sensor assembly set back:

    Sensor Size restrictions:

    Sensor fitting:

    Operating temperature:

    Distance between sensor and conditioning electronic:

4 - Type of Target

      Blade tip shape (ideally provide blade tip geometry on drawings or CAD files):

      Blade passing frequency:

5 - Calibration (clearance only)

6 - Blade tip-timing optimization

7 - Other requirements or issues